Monday, October 12, 2009

Ballerina in the Backseat.

Dear ballerina in the backseat,

Today I rode the bus to the grocery store to surprise my husband with food in our pantry and dinner on the table. He thought I was in class, but it got canceled today. I ended up with more groceries than I could handle and was struggling to get home on foot. With welts swelling on my arms from such a heavy load, I waited at the crosswalk for a long time. The little green man didn't show up to let me pass. I must have looked tired and pathetic. Your mom pulled up on the curb and asked me if I needed a ride somewhere. Hesitantly, I looked around and wondered if I should get in a stranger's car. When I saw you in the backseat, I agreed. Your mom helped me load all my groceries in the front seat and I got in the back with you. You didn't say much and I could tell you thought it was a little weird that your mom picked up some strange girl on the street. I asked you if you were a dancer because you had on a leotard and tights. Your mom said you were coming home from practice. You said you were a ballerina. I smiled. I told your mom where to turn to get to my apartment. Your mom said life gets a little easier, you told me to have a nice night, I got out of your car and walked up to my apartment with all my groceries. Your mom didn't have to stop for me. But she did. And I hope that when you grow up... you'll be like your mom- kind and selfless, charitable to strangers, not bothered by the dents in your car or the fact that your clothes are worn and your hair needs cutting, Christ-like, sincere, and aware of people more than time. In fact, I hope that when I grow up... I'm like your mom too.

the lonely girl on the street corner.


Kylie said...

That is so sweet! Thanks for sharing this Summer. We all need to be reminded to be more like the ballerina's mom.

Cory Sue said...

love this makes me all kinds of happy and warm inside!

Stefanie said...

that story gave me goosebumps. what a wonderful thing she did. it's amazing how such simple acts can mean so much. thanks for sharing summer!

Kasidy said...

Okay that was really adorable.. You should send it to the ensign or something. You wrote it in a really cute way. Next time you can call me. :)