For those who've been asking, here's a list.
I haven't had time to do any online shopping or actual shopping for that matter... so I'm not sure how helpful these will be because most of it is stuff that I would have to pick out and try on. However, I thought I could give a few ideas :)
Medium color brown boots
Chocolate brown
puffy coat
New Chocolate Brown Ugg Boots or
something of the sort
Black pea-coat
Bobby Pins with pearls on the end
Happy flowers to put in my hair
Burnt orange sweatshirt with a white longhorn(something like
Running Shoes
Some cute gift wrap(for when I give presents, not receive them)
Gray cable-knit tights
Athletic Shoes
Tennis Balls
A fishing pole
Longhorn hat
Vanilla Cupcake candle(s) by Yankee Candle..
Harry Potter book series
A pretty picture of Christ for our living room
Wedding canvas print for living room
Large black and white canvas print for above our bed
Camping chairs
A lantern for camping
Any cool little camping toys
2010 calendar
What's on my mind:
Snowing everywhere and finals are fast approaching. Oh man.
Had a new couple from the ward over for dinner last night. So good.
They were nice.
Have so much still to do for school... it's overwhelming.
Been married for 115 days. BLOWS MY MINNNND.
Old roomies getting together this week. Whoo hoo :)
Miss my fam, can't wait to see yall.
Need to jump on Christmas shopping.
Need to do visiting teaching this month.
Work is long and boring.
Love the Conference issue of the Ensign.
Hope not to get lost in the craziness of the season.
Thankful for Christ and His example.
Reading Harry Potter 1 with the hubby. LOVE IT.
Made gingerbread houses on Saturday night. Won the competition :)
Lights at Temple Square=awesome.
Need to go through wedding pictures still.
Have a lot on my mind.
Stressed, but so grateful for life.
Miss Kelly-thinking of her alot.
Probably cry a couple times in the coming weeks.
Money from the government=huge blessing.
Stef's gonna get engaged soon.. wonder how he'll do it?
Time flies.
Miss hanging out with Jocelyn.
Wish Kylie lived in Utah.
New bangs.. not sure I like them.
Wish I journaled as often as I blog.
Not having a functioning computer at home helps me waste less time online.
Want to learn some new board games.
Can't wait to teach my Dad how to play Settlers of Catan.
Wish I had a ton of money to get everyone gifts.
Learned a lot this semester... hope I can remember it all.
Gretchen is a cute pregnant lady. She's showing more.
Wish I cooked more than I do. Grateful for a patient husband.
Visited nursery in another ward on Sunday. Cute kids.
I hope my little girls will keep their bows on their heads.
I'll shop more for my girls than I do for myself.
Think Cory's sister, Sarah, is very funny. Randomly read her blog sometimes.
Find people very interesting.
Love my major.
Hope I can get a job.
Should probably be doing homework instead of spilling my guts out.