Thank you for inviting me to run errands with you. I miss you.
Dear triplus fineliner pens,
Thank you for brightening my notes with your colors. I really enjoy having you.
Dear Kasidy,
Thank you for buying those pens at the bookstore and using them in history of creativity.. because it made me want them enough to buy them for myself.
Dear gym at the RB,
I've been giving you lots of love lately and you haven't been giving me anything back. What's the deal?
Dear primary songs,
I liked listening to you on Sunday with my hubby. Maybe we should play more often.
Dear empty fridge,
I promise we'll fill you up when we get back from our big trips. We just don't want anything to make you stink while we're gone.
Dear Robert's,
Please stop having so many cute things in your store that I want to buy.
Dear orange flowers in my kitchen,
You make me really happy and I'm so glad JD thought to buy you.
(Please excuse the syrup. We were having breakfast for dinner!)
Dear Vegas,
I am excited to meet you this weekend.
Dear big cozy bed,
I really enjoy you. I wish we spent more time together.
Dear journal,
I've been so much better at filling you in my life lately. I hope I can keep up the habit.
Dear stack of homework and reading,
I'm just not in the mood. Try again later.
Dear boilingpoint,
I miss you. Let's play this weekend, maybe?? :)
Dear Stefanie,
Your life right now is like dejavu. I don't know when you are getting married, but I'm secretly hoping it will be before May 4 so I can attend the celebrations.
Dear Mom,
I wish we lived closer.
Dear DC,
You will be our home for 4 months. I hope you've started planning some adventures for us!
Dear husband,
I miss you a lot. Can't wait to spend the weekend with you. Thanks for being your handsome self :)
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