So.. I had this blog before I was married. And I wrote on it a lot. And when I got married, I didn't want to make the transition to a "married" blog. The one where I have to use the term "we" instead of "I" all the time. Like, "we ate hotdogs" instead of "JD and I ate hotdogs." Because you see.. we both can't be typing at the same time.. I am typing. I am writing this blog. I just want to be able to say what I feel and write what I want to. Inevitably, I will write about JD and our future family because I like him and I'll probably like them too.. but I just like having this little blog to call my own. I feel a little bit guilty about not having the blog address be, but in the end... not really. I like being the same me I've always been. And actually... the blog address is not really valid anymore because I am now Summer Robinson Knowlden to the government. Summer Marie Knowlden definitely sounds better, I know. However, I had a really hard time accepting the idea of dropping Robinson forever. And I for sure wanted to change my name to Knowlden. So I opted for the long and obnoxious Summer Robinson Knowlden. I should've just kept it Summer Marie Robinson Knowlden, but that's even longer and more obnoxious.
But the point is.. don't judge me for not making this a couple blog. I'm Summer Marie, and I love my husband. :)