Showing posts with label month by month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label month by month. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

Talks with Ten

Tenley is so expressive with her words lately and we are constantly surprised and entertained by the thoughts she shares. Here's a few snippets of our talks with Ten.

(Snuggling in my bed shortly after I returned from work one day last week).
T: Mmm... it smells like you.
Me: Oh, really? What do I smell like?
T: Um, I think kind of like a girl.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tenley, lately.

Tenley is at the cutest stage right now. She's learning how to say words and picks up on so many everyday happenings going on around her. She love, love, loves giving hugs, squeezes, kisses, high-fives, and fist-bumps.  She keeps us entertained all the time and we're so glad to have her in our family!

Here's a few examples of the adorable things she's been doing and saying lately. . .

Monday, February 10, 2014

No more gummy grins (and giraffes!)

It freaks me out a little that Tenley is an active toddler, and not the teeny, snuggley baby I once knew. I practically feel like I'm meeting a whole new person every day! She has such a spirited personality and I'm impressed by the things I observe her doing all the time. She's learning a lot of skills that make her seem old to me: feeding herself with utensils, drinking out of cups, climbing up and down furniture and stairs, following my directions, babbling back and forth with me, figuring out the DVD player, hiding, and helping put her clothes on and take them off. However, one of the most obvious reminders to me that she's a big girl now is her toothy smile. Teeth! This girl has teeth! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We've been a bit sick around here lately. . . so things have been slow the last few weeks and we haven't accomplished much more than staying alive. But I'll tell you what- Tenley is still stinkin' cute as a sickie girl! She's eating vegetables like a pro, chewing whatever she can get her hands on, sticking out her tongue, constantly playing with her fingers, and desperately trying to touch whatever's in reach. She wants to crawl so bad, but hasn't quite figured it out (and we're still waiting for those teeth!)

We attempted a seven month shoot. . .

But Tenley mostly did this the entire time we were shooting:

Whatever makes the baby happy, right?!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cutest. Baby. Ever.

The cutest baby ever (and I mean ever!) turned six months old this week. Tenley can do so many things now. . . sit up, army crawl, reach for toys, play peek-a-boo, laugh at funny faces, throw major hissy fits, hold a bottle by herself, copy sounds we make, suck her thumb (much to our dismay!), and capture just about anyone's heart. If you want to indulge in her almost-unbearable-cuteness with me, I'll let you have a peek at her six-month photo shoot. . .

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Curious, playful, active.

Last week, Tenley and I had a short day date for her five month photoshoot. I got the camera out with good intentions of getting perfect photos. The Little Miss had different ideas. Between giggling, trying to figure out what a camera is, playing with her toes, moving around the blanket, rolling over (and over and over!), excessively slobbering, grabbing at her bright shamrock month marker, and looking all around the room, she didn't seem to have time for posing. At first, I was disappointed with the way the pictures turned out. And then I remembered. . . the whole reason I'm taking these photos is to record her growth and development! This little series of pictures captures her personality so well right now- she's  just a curious, playful, and active baby. And, boy, do we love her!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Eeee! Four months.

Eeee! (This is my excited squeal). My girl is four months old. Yowza! Where does four months go? I feel like I'm just getting back into the swing of things after Christmas. . . and yet Valentine's Day has already come and gone! A lot has been happening in our house. Between this Momma starting work again, our family taking a trip to Texas, and a mini flood in our basement home, we've had our hands full over the last little bit. JD is gearing up for PA school applications and I'm trying to find the new balance between home, work, and church responsibilities with a little one. Even though there's always something else going on, JD and I are making conscious efforts to savor the sweet days with our Tenley girl. We often set our other duties aside to just lay on the floor and stare at her. We read her books, and rattle her toys, and lotion her body and think to ourselves. . . "How on earth did we get so lucky?!" 

This week I had a super spiritual moment as I listened closely to the words of a beloved song, "I am a child of God." As Tenley's parent, I want the very best for her. I want to provide for her and care for her and I want her always always to know how deeply she is loved. If I, as an imperfect, mortal being, can love someone so deeply and fiercely, then how much more must a perfect, powerful, eternal God love his children? This perspective into my Father's love for me was moving and touching. . . and definitely turned my heart to thankful prayer. What a wonderful blessing to be a child of God! What a gift to know of his love for me and for my earthly child! What a powerful message for all men! We are loved in the most perfect way by the most perfect being. I am so grateful for this faith-building experience.

And now! On to the stats:

At four months, Tenley is 23.5" long (25th percentile) and weighs 11 lbs 7 oz (10th percentile). Her head circumference is in the 30th percentile. Tenley can roll over from back to tummy and vice versa. She often brings her hands up to her mouth to suck on them. She makes good eye contact and sometimes bursts into gummy grins. On occasion, she'll laugh out loud and she frequently squeals and squeaks. She has super strong legs and a reputation in our home of bouncing up and down when the music turns on. She grabs her toes, and my fingers, and my hair, and basically anything she can get a good grip on. She's developing such a cute little personality and we just love her.

One month update here. Two month update here. Three month update not available d/t mommy malfunction ;)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Two months.

Here's a look at Tenley when she was one month old and then again at two months:
At one month, she was just curious about the world around her. But, at two months, she's started to really make eye contact and smile!  She coos and talks and giggles. Her legs are strong and she likes to push up on our laps. She drools like crazy and sucks on her hands. She's content to just lay in her crib for a few minutes when she's wide awake. She loves being held and walked. She'll get fussy if you've been sitting still for too long and she wants you to stand up with her. She really enjoys her swing. She only really cries if she's hungry, lonely, or annoyed by us trying to suck the boogies out of her nose. Pretty much, she's just about the most darling girl we know!
Oh, Tenley, you're as cute as a baby could be and we love you so!