Showing posts with label party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sparkle and Shine

During the initial stages of planning my golden birthday party, I decided I wanted to base the decor on  the words "SPARKLE AND SHINE." Those two words guided all my decorating decisions! I looked up different quotes with the words "sparkle" or "shine" or some variation of those two words to use in frames as centerpieces. Here are a few other ideas I utilized as focal points and accents on the tables:
  • Empty jars with gold ribbons and/or buttons housed inside
  • Paper & ribbon banners on shiskabob sticks, planted in mini mason jars of dirt
  • Gold doilies
  • Gold candle roses (found in the wedding section at Hobby Lobby; just for decoration, as no open flames were allowed at the park)
  • Spray-painted plastic lion
  • Fake flowers taped to jars and "planted" in dirt
  • Scrapbook sticker numbers "25" on old mirrors and in frames
  • Reese's and Rolo candies sprinkled down the middle of the tables
I was so excited about these tables! Instead of using the typical plastic party tablecloths, I lined the tables with rolls of brown kraft wrapping paper. There were crayons out on the tables for guests to doodle and draw with as they chatted. I thought the fancy gold contrasted well with the rustic brown. . . perfect combo!

"May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you, and may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you." 
-Irish Blessing

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Golden Birthday

I turned 25 on July 25th. For some inexplicable reason, 25 seems like a landmark age to me. It's kind of a big deal, I suppose. As a teenager, I remember thinking, hypothetically, "By the time I'm 25, x, y or z." You know, like I should be accomplished and have stuff to show for myself by now? Haha. . . I definitely DO think I've done some pretty neat things so far in my life and so I decided to throw myself a golden birthday party to celebrate the big day. JD was my right-hand man through it all. I sent out invitations, reserved a pavilion at a park, made gold frosted cupcakes, assembled gold centerpieces, and even bought & altered a gold-toed boot piƱata. Talk about a party ;)

It was stressful to have the party outside when the weather forecast was expected to be gloomy. I was so anxious! However, everything went off without a hitch (thanks, in big part, to my family who was in town from Texas). Thank you to everyone who came to help me celebrate! To me, it was a magical evening of good conversation, good friends, and good food. All the makings of a good birthday.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Birthday for the babe.

Our little lady turned one on Friday and we had a few friends and family members over to celebrate. I made taco soup and JD prepared an incredible video montage of her first year that we watched with our guests. Tenley was showered with gifts and love; we are so grateful for all the people around us who love her so dearly!

I sewed her a party dress with some darling red and blue prints. Those ruffles! The Peter Pan collar! A matching bow! I die. I didn't want to deal with a zipper and/or buttons in the back. . . so it was a bit of a tight squeeze over her head. . . but, man, I definitely love me a good handmade outfit :)

Rather than pick a "theme" for the party, I opted for colors. It was easier for me to plan and make decisions that way. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Baby Shower

The Skousens and a few of my friends planned a baby shower for me a few weeks ago. Cory made all of the adorable decorations; Abby and Julie sent out the invitations, prepared the food, and planned the games; Melissa hosted the get-together in her home; Jada, Stefanie and Abby brought extra treats (Am I forgetting anyone? Sorry if I left someone out!) A lot of neighbors and friends came to support and love me. I felt overwhelmed by their willingness to share and give. There were a lot of women there from my ward (or local church congregation) who barely know me, but know Melissa and Julie, and were willing to reach out to me in fellowship and love.  Their presence at my shower was a sweet example to me of how we can serve each other, even in small and simple ways. 

Abby and Julie Skousen
Mari and Jada, my closest friends from Spanish Fork
Cory, my roommate sophomore year at BYU
The whole gang.
I can't say thank you enough to all the people who have sent gifts and clothes and toys our way in preparation for the baby. We are grateful and excited! 

Also, Abby took a few pictures on her camera I still need to get from this shower. I was so glad to see and visit with my friend Holli from Texas and all my old roommates who are still in Utah. Love my girls!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

All six.

I've talked about them lots of times. We've lived together, celebrated birthdays and holidays, gone to basketball and football gamestalked a lot, traveled together, celebrated love, spent time in the sun and snow, and made oodles of memories. 

It was weird when Stefanie bought a house, but it was okay because it was still in Utah. It was weird when Kasidy left for Argentina, but it was okay because we knew she'd be back. Now Kylie is moving to Las Vegas, which is weird to think about, but also exciting. Way to go on being a grown-up and stretching your wings! 

Cory put together a little surprise party for Kylie on Sunday and invited all of her friends. So glad all six of us could be there!! Love when that happens :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

Cory turns 22 tomorrow and we celebrated with a surprise party tonight. I love her so much!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Birthday weekend.

We started JD's birthday weekend last Friday by going down to Salt Lake for dinner and a Jazz game. We ate at California Pizza Kitchen. Yum!
Then we walked around the Gateway mall for a bit and headed over to the Energy Solutions Arena for the game. It was the last pre-season game against the Sacramento Kings and they won!

(JD was really proud of this shot!)

On Saturday, we went to the BYU game and they finally won! They must've done it for JD :) We had planned a birthday barbeque at Kiwanis Park for Saturday evening. However, the weather decided not to cooperate with us and we moved the celebration into our one bedroom apartment. We fit about 20 people in our little home! JD's family came down a little bit early and Larry set up his grill right outside our door. We were nervous about people being crowded and uncomfortable, but it turned out to be such a cozy little party. I made some cute cupcakes, a happy banner, and we bought some balloons and noisemakers. JD was just so happy to see the people he loves. It was a good day :)

Abe & Holli Lucero
Jordan & Brittany Borchert
Jeff, Matt & Brigham
Tiffanie, Mikella & Tyler
Cory & Jenessa
JD blowing out the candles.
Larry & Tiffanie
The M&M game. So many laughs!
Everyone who came to celebrate with us!

JD got a video camera from his family, a football from the Luceros, and a wok, Boggle, a Jazz hat, snow cone flavoring, corn on the cob holders, candy, and beef jerkey from me. JD bought the Jazz tickets himself, but I think technically that was supposed to count as a birthday gift from me too. . . haha. Anyways, what a happy weekend!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

New news.

Here are a few pictures of my 21st birthday celebration- we didn't get any big group shots, which I'm bummed about. JD surprised me by inviting a bunch of people from the office over for a surprise party. We went to lunch at Matt's and everyone gathered at our apartment for the party. When we walked back into our apartment, a lot of our friends in the office were there to celebrate with me Hawaiian style. We limbo-ed, ate cake, and played games. JD's cute for planning it all and I really would've been 100% surprised if he hadn't been acting funny all morning. I love him.

New news: I've been spending a lot of time with Brittany out here and thus, a lot of time with her dog, Thea, too. When we first got here. . .she seemed so huge and freaked me out a lot. Now, I like her and she's pretty precious. The new news is. . .I think I might actually like dogs and want one of my own. (All other animals, though, are still not for me.)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve, JD and I went to one of his friends' parties. We were originally supposed to have some neighbors over for a relaxed game night at home... but the couple ended up bailing on us a few hours before they were supposed to come over. Anyhow, we had to come up with some last minute plans... so we went to a party with a bunch of single people! There were a few married couples, but mostly a bunch of single people we didn't know. There was a big dance party going on in one room and I definitely wanted to join, but JD said I was embarrassing him too much. Haha.. I just haven't danced in FOREVER (since the wedding!) and I was really feeling the beat that night. Anyway, JD just wanted to sit around the food table and talk. Boring! But it's okay... he didn't feel great, and I should probably practice being a sophisticated, well-behaved wife. :) It was pretty fun overall, and I'm excited for the new year!

Happy New Year!

What's a New Year without some noise makers?

Our first New Year's kiss as husband and wife!

This is Sam, one of JD's good friends from high school, and his wife, Stacy. JD set Sam and Stacy up on their first date!

This is JD's friend, Dallin, who threw the party.