Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2015

Life right now

We took a spontaneous trip to California last weekend to visit friends. Two days of driving + three days of vacation. Grateful for a husband who encourages me to move a little outside my comfort zone. I'm not sure I would've chosen to road-trip at 34 weeks pregnant, but the sunshine and ocean were good for me. One day, JD dug a deep hole in the sand for my belly and I was able to nap on my stomach (oh, what a luxury!).

Life right now:

JD // Just finished his Organic Chemistry class. Pulled off a C+ (he needed at least a C).  So thankful it's over! Teaching tennis lessons two days/week. Loving the change of pace of working on a new floor at the hospital. Preparing to submit PA school applications (third time's the charm, right?!) Reminding Summer to take pre-natal vitamins and rub Bio-Oil on her belly. Cleaning all the screens for The Sunshine Space. Doing most of the kitchen chores (dishes, sweeping, mopping).

Summer// Trying to figure out how to manage t-shirt orders and inventory for the shop. Complaining about back pain on a regular basis. Making to-do lists for the next month before baby #2 arrives. Stressing about not being at brother's wedding in August. Preparing Sunday lesson to teach to women's group at church. Folding laundry. Trying to manage normal work schedule with an oversized, tired body. Feeling bittersweet about Tenley growing up.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Beach dreamin'

Sometimes, when it's cold outside and I'm stuck indoors, I can't help but dream of beach days. Oh, how I love the sun and sand!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Deep in the heart.

I've worn a Texas charm on a necklace since I moved to Utah 6+ (has it really been that long?!) years ago. That state. . . I tell ya. . . it's home. My family. My friends. My heritage. My heart. And every time I visit, I get an aching to move back. However, that's not the chapter of my life right now. Right now, I'm cultivating a good, sweet life right where I'm at. I've got a loving husband, a precious baby, giving neighbors, selfless co-workers, and caring landlords friends. But, my Utah life just got a whole lot sweeter because I picked up my own little piece of Texas at the airport today: my sister! Lindsey's starting school at BYU this semester and I'm thrilled out of my mind to have her close to me. Wahoo! 

Here's some more snapshots of our Texas trip last month:

Tenley with my Momma's sister, Wendy.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Beach birthday for me!

There's not many places I'd rather be than on a beach. I love the warmth of the sun on my back, the sound of breaking waves, the smell of sunscreen and ocean, and the squishy wet sand between my toes. I think it's safe to say Tenley inherited some of those beach-lovin' genes ;) 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

California Trip

JD and I took a trip to California two weekends ago to celebrate our third wedding anniversary.  It was sort of spontaneous and was a nice getaway for us. My dear friend, Jocelyn, let us sleep at  her place (bah! we didn't get any pictures together. . .) and we  spent the weekend hanging out at the beach and being tourists. I'm so lucky to have him as a travel companion- he's the best!

Last night, we spent a little longer than we probably should've playing around on iMovie and trying to make this re-cap video of our vacation. So many clips in here just make me bust up laughing. Ha, we're pretty proud of this project ;) Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Idaho Trip

Last week, JD and I took a little road trip to Idaho for my friend Angela's wedding in Teton. We also made a slight detour to visit our friends in Boise. It was a lot of driving in a few days, but we sure loved seeing our good friends and spending time together in a new state. 

Crossing the border.

 Yummy restaurant in downtown Boise.

 We miss this cute family!

Zoo Boise on Friday. 

 Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, ID

 Double rainbow at the falls (!!)

 Peaceful time together in the Idaho Falls LDS temple.

San Antonio friends. Look at that pretty bride!

 Gorgeous Idaho sunset. Love this man.

Angela's wedding ceremony and reception was held at the cutest barn in a small Idaho town. She did such a good job decorating with vintage books, dried flowers, romantic pictures, and rustic accents. The whole place had a dreamy feel to it. So happy she found someone to make her so happy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Trip to Texas

At the start of the month, I was able to go to Texas for a few days to see my family and tell them about our little baby on the way (!!) I am so grateful I got to see my parents & siblings (minus Jakey, who is currently serving a mission). I had been missing them so! While I was home, we ate at Alamo Cafe (twice), grilled burgers at home, shopped, watched American Idol, sun-bathed in the backyard, picnic-ed in the park, spent a day in Fredericksburg, played and tanned and napped at Boerne Lake, flew kites, visited with extended family, attended a baptism, admired the bluebonnets, ate a yummy Easter feast, and celebrated the life and resurrection of the Savior. It was a happy trip for me and I miss these guys already! 

(so gorgeous!)

The only downside was JD had to stay back in Utah to study and go to school. It was lonely to be apart for almost a week! Dang it, when will I get lucky enough to have my husband & family living in the same state?!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New York, in pictures.

JD and I took a four hour bus ride to New York City this weekend. As we approached the city, both of us were just speechless. It was such a rush to see so many buildings, lights, motion, and excitement. It was literally breathtaking. I was just so excited to be in NEW YORK CITY with my favorite traveling companion, my very best friend. It's one of those feelings I am struggling to find the words for. Traveling is so incredible. Here's a re-cap of our adventure:
Bravo Pizza. Yum. Statue of Liberty lego building at Toys R Us in Times Square. So cool!
(They also had impressive Empire State and Chrysler buildings.)
A (very skinny) cookie monster.
NYC from way up high.
Top of the Rock observation deck at the Rockefeller Center.
69 stories high.
Central Park.
Cutest hotel room ever!
Seriously? Fun orange lamp, green bench and desk chair, red fridge, orange walls! So fun :)
Dos Caminos restaurant. Yummiest pork tacos! We'd definitely recommend it.
Times Square night life.
Clearly, I was obsessed with this little place JD chose to stay!
He did so good.
Ferry to Staten Island.
Statue of Liberty.
Grand Central Terminal.
So many people. So many lights. So much culture.
We loved it.